The JW org supports omens, superstitions, lies and failed prophecies.
The failure of Jesus' words regarding the coming of the Kingdom in the first century needed another dose of mad prophecy to keep the faithful bouyed up. This was the deranged apocalypse of Revelation, full of astrology and Freudian symbolism. It was a vision from Patmos into the imagined heavens of the time, written to tell the faithfull what was going to happen in the immediate future regarding the Christian church. Rev1;1
Like Jesus' words, It too didn't happen!
So along with many other hopefuls throughout history and still convinced of the great delusion of "God's Kingdom" and the prophetic value of the Bible, the Second Adventists and their offspring Jehovah's Witnesses still look to the heavens for a fulfillment. What a waste of effort, a waste of time and a waste of human lives?
Finding vaccines for deadly viruses is a more honourable pursuit for which you need proper learning and evidence for what you are dealing with -- not old wives tales as found in the Bible.